Welcome from Fr. Byrd
A Letter From Our Pastor (3/18/2020)

Dear Child of God,
I am delighted you are here. As the Lord sings a new song over you every day, (Zephaniah 3:17) so I want to sing His praises for making you a part of my flock at the Catholic parishes of Jennings County.
In my office is a beautiful statue of Christ the Good Shepherd. While you are here I want to be a shepherd you can be proud of, a father who will always show you compassion while still telling you the truth, and a father who always wants to listen and even learn from those I am in charge of leading.
This year I celebrate my tenth anniversary of being a priest to God’s people. My special prayers for you are that your sacramental life is fortified through the richness and beauty of our Catholic faith. I pray you have the indwelling of the Holy Trinity, know the Word of God, and love the Holy Eucharist, the source and summit of our faith. We are one holy, Catholic and apostolic Church. While there are three parishes with this community, we are all striving to live our calling as Catholics.
We try to do that through beautiful liturgies and encouraging vocations. Our parish is blessed with five seminarians in priestly formation and two more men are discerning seminary. This fruit was borne out of my prayer that I could encourage men to see that living the Gospel in a deeper way could mean discerning a path to the priesthood. My prayers have been answered above and beyond anything I could have imagined.
While here, I hope you know how loved you are by God, the Father. I pray that all fear is banished from your life, that you see more good than bad in the world and our Church, and that the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love are instilled in you so deeply, that you will know that nothing can separate you from the love of God or our Holy Mother the Church.
One of my favorite saints is St. Therese of Lisieux. I pray through her intercession and that of the Blessed Virgin Mary that your time here among us will always be blessed.
Yours in Christ,
Father Byrd
P.S. As a small gift, please take a moment to download my holy card in honor of my tenth ordination anniversary, as well as our Prayers for Priests booklet and our Prayers for Vocations brochure.
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