The Best Tips for Pro-Life Ministry // Interview

pro life ministry

The best advice for pro-life ministry is often about helping someone to use their talents and voice for the unborn.

Tim O’Donnell, a professor of philosophy and ethics,  gives some of his best tips to help others get involved in pro-life events. A professor of philosophy and ethics, O’Donnell has been praying outside abortion clinics and taking part in the National 40 Days for Life since around 2006. He said it’s the personal testimonies of others that makes the most impact.

The Gift of Pro-life Ministry 

People are sometimes unsure of going to pray at an abortion clinic, the statehouse, or even a local rosary event that simply lines the streets in prayer. However, O’Donnell just asks if they want him to go with them. 

“Just say to someone, ‘We will do it together,’ and that’s a starting point,” he said. “I think there is a little bit of the fear of the unknown. We know that pro-life ministry involves a hot topic in our culture.”

The public witness of pro-life accomplishes more than we think, O’Donnell said. 

He saw this first hand as he began taking part in the national 40 Days for Life events. 

“It’s powerful,” he said. “We are an instrument of God’s grace in someone’s life.”

He’s seen people’s hearts and minds changed just by a silent witness to prayer and women change their minds about abortion once they know they can receive help to keep their baby.

Having the pro-life conversation

When we talk about abortion and euthanasia as Catholics people have strong views, but equipping ourselves with the Catholic Church teaching and letting charity be our focus is the best way to approach it, O’Donnell said

“We believe what we believe,” he said. “We can engage our co-workers and our friends or even strangers we have never met.” However, it can be overwhelming. 

Besides asking others to go with you to events, he also suggested finding your local pro-life committees and educating yourself with pro-life resources. Such as:

All Life Matters

While Indiana is taking the lead as one of the most pro-life states in the nation, O’Donnell said pro-life has a wide range of opportunities.. Abortion is the biggest issue– with 60 million babies aborted since Roe v. Wade– but all life issues are important.

Issues for the elderly, euthanasia,  volunteering or donating to pregnancy care centers, and praying are ways people can get involved in pro-life ministries.

Local events for CCJC include:

Oct. 15: Annual Public Square Rosary, North Vernon Park, 604 State Street. Starts at Noon.

Nov. 3: Inaugural fundraising banquet for Missy’s Hope maternity home, St. Mary’s Parish Center at 5:30 p.m. $25 per ticket. Special guest, Melissa Coles from the pro-life movie, Lifemark. Info: 740.222.1392 or [email protected]

O’Donnell was featured in the October CCJC Newsletter.