St. Mary Catholic School Celebrates Christ’s Eucharistic Presence


The Eucharistic Presence of Christ was celebrated by St. Mary Catholic School.

The school children participated in a Eucharistic procession and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Sept. 6, 2023. The special celebration helps students prepare their hearts for the start of the school year and also celebrates the national Parish Year of the Eucharist.

“It was nice to get that close to Jesus,” said Aleric Burkman, a fourth-grade student at the school.

St. Mary Catholic School’s theme this year is “Jesus, I Surrender.”  Father Jerry Byrd led the students in various prayers, asking them to surrender all their cares, concerns, and futures to Christ.

Students sang and prayed as Fr. Byrd brought Christ in the monstrance in front of each student so they could pray and know how accessible Christ’s Presence is to all of them.

“When Jesus came near me in the monstrance, I felt calm and at peace,” said fifth-grader Tanner Suhre.

“It was such a special day,” said Principal Meredith Inman. “I had tears in my eyes.”

“Watching our students and staff kneel in reverence to our Lord perfectly exemplified our school theme of surrendering ourselves to Jesus,” she said. “It was so touching to see all of the students take a moment to really let Jesus get close to their hearts. I feel so blessed to be a part of this school.


For other events at the parish see our calendar here.