Vocations & Holy Orders
Meet our Seminarians

Left to right, front row: Deacon Bobby Vogel and Fr. Jerry Byrd
Center row: Alexander Lindberg, Nathan Thompson, and Noah Sherman.
Back row: Kris Garlitch and Aidan Hauersperger
Center row: Alexander Lindberg, Nathan Thompson, and Noah Sherman.
Back row: Kris Garlitch and Aidan Hauersperger
"Pray for our guys."
- Father Jerry Byrd
The Catholic Church of Jennings County is blessed with seven men discerning God's call to the priesthood.
Father Jerry Byrd is asking all parishioners to pray three Hail Mary’s every day for our seminarians.
The word vocation comes from the Latin word vocare which means “to call.” Every baptized Christian is called by Jesus to follow Him in a unique way, and those who are called to the priesthood, diaconate, and religious life are called to a unique life of service in the Catholic Church.
Help us Pray for Our Priests!
Join our Prayer Cenacle today!
Being part of the Prayer Cenacle for Priests is simple. It can be done anywhere. Members of the Prayer Cenacle are asked only 3 main commitments:
- Daily recitation of the prayers in the Prayer Cenacle booklet.
- Daily recitation of the Angelus (6 a.m., noon, 6 p.m.) and at least 5 decades of the Holy Rosary. The intention of the Rosary can be for any intention.
- Some sort of daily penance, fasting, or mortification offered for our Holy Father, our bishop, our priests, and our seminarians. These need not be extreme. Small offerings are powerful and effective.
"The Eucharist is the source and summit of the life of the Church. Without the Eucharist, there is no Church. In a sacramental way, Christ is present to the Church in the person of the priest. All of the sacraments offer a personal encounter with Christ, and the priest is the one who offers the sacraments."
- Archdiocese of Indianapolis
Young men and women discerning religious life are encouraged to see the websites below for more information about pursuing the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Of course, you can always speak with Father Byrd about this as well!