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Safe and Sacred

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All employees and all volunteers dealing with children must complete all three sections BEFORE starting any position. Click HERE to go directly to the Safe and Sacred site.  The initial training takes about 45 minutes to complete online. Follow up bulletins take less time to read.

Purpose of New Program

The Archdiocese of Indianapolis has chosen the “Safe and Sacred” program for several reasons. It provides easier access to child protection training for clergy, employees, and volunteers. It allows us to broaden the focus of the training to increase awareness of all forms of child abuse. Safe and Sacred includes an assessment that must be taken and passed to ensure that training content is learned and can be applied. We believe these are important new features for this program.

Who is Required to Sign Up for this Program?

Teachers, staff, and all volunteers who minister to or work with minor children must meet all the requirements of this program. If you are 18 years of age or older and you volunteer with minors, you must comply with all the requirements.

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