Novena for Priestly Ordination: Day One

Please join us in praying for Deacon Anthony Armbruster, Deacon Sam Rosko, and Deacon Bobby Vogel as they prepare to be ordained to the priesthood on June 1 for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. Deacon Vogel grew up at our St. Joseph Catholic Church. After ordination, he will be the parochial vicar at St. Simon the Apostle, Indianapolis. Novena Day One … Read More

Pentecost 2024

Our celebration of Pentecost was beautiful! Pentecost celebrates the 50th and final day of the Easter season. We have seen many significant moments in our liturgy this month. After celebrating the Ascension of Jesus into Heaven recently we head into Pentecost and then Ordinary Time. After the Ascension, the eleven remaining Apostles return to Jerusalem. Acts 1:14 says, “All these … Read More

Here’s Your Memo for the Week!

Here’s your CCJC Memo for the week of May 19! Check out our save the dates, news about a summer seminarian, and a great photo of Our Lady of Fatima! Want the printable version? Download your CCJC Memo HERE!

Why is May the Month of Mary?

May is known as the Month of Mary because of a Jesuit devotion and a pope. The month got joined with Mary when Father Latomia of the Roman College of the Society of Jesus, to counteract infidelity and immorality among the students, made a vow at the end of the eighteenth century to devote the month of May to Mary, … Read More

Get the Memo!

From the Memo: St. Catherine of Siena’s feast day is Monday, April 29. She wrote poetry and she’s a Doctor of the Church whose life is full of awe and wonder for the Lord!  

Be Part of This Prayer Movement For Priests!

Be part of the movement to pray for our priests!  There are no meetings and you choose the time you pray. It takes about 30  minutes, only two percent of an entire day! While you are encouraged to pray all of the prayers in the booklet,  any prayers you say are a wonderful gift for our priests! Why It’s Important … Read More