Saint Clare of Assisi is best known for her close friendship with St. Francis of Assisi and stopping an army by only holding the holy Eucharist in the convent’s monstrance. She was the first woman to practice the life of entire poverty as taught by St. Francis. Her rule for the Poor Clares at San Damiano included the austeries of … Read More
Holy Day of Obligation: The Assumption of Mary
The Assumption of Mary is a holy day of obligation requiring Catholics to attend Mass. The day is so important that it binds the faithful to participate in Mass for the spiritual graces received. The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is always celebrated on August 15. “That the Immaculate Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary, … Read More
Happy Feast of St. Dominic
St. Dominic is known as a fighter against heresy and giving us the rosary in its present form. He was born in Caleruega, Spain in 1170. His parents were members of the Spanish nobility. His father was Felix Guzman and was the royal warden of the village. His mother was Blessed Joan of Aza. St. Dominic received the Rosary during … Read More
One More Day until our Devotions to the Sacred & Immaculate Hearts Start!
The traditional devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary starts tomorrow on August 4, 2023! Get the full schedule here!
Heads Up! New Events, Mass Changes & More
Keep up to date with our recent Calendar of Events covering August 1-7. There’s daily Mass changes to note. First Friday and First Saturday Devotions All-night adoration sign-up–all for the Sacred & Immaculate Hearts! A new Eucharist Study Get the calendar here! Sign-up for All-Night Adoration here! Last, but not least: Our Eucharist Study information!
New Schedule for the Oratory!
Download your Traditional Latin Mass schedule for the Oratory below: Fall and Winter Calendar for the Oratory
St. Ann Feast Day Photos!
The Parish Year of the Eucharistic Revival was celebrated at St. Ann Church on July 23. The day also celebrated the church’s patron saint, St. Ann with Fr. Jerry Byrd giving a blessing with the relic. Fr. Byrd also used the new monstrance from Rome for the first time at the celebration.
Sign-Up for All Night Adoration For First Friday Devotion & First Saturday Devotions
The beautiful First Friday and First Saturday Devotions to Jesus and Mary under the titles of the “Sacred Heart of Jesus” and the “Immaculate Heart of Mary,” are starting at St. Ann’s on August 4 & 5. To honor this devotion we are having all-night adoration beginning at 7 p.m. on August 4 and ending at 8 a.m. on Aug … Read More
Heads up on Masses and Upcoming Events!
Here’s the snapshot of Masses and Events for your easy use! Get the PDF printout here! In case you missed it! Download our new Parish APP!