Letter to the Faithful regarding the Coronavirus
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The appearance of the Coronavirus throughout the United States necessitates a response in regard to the Liturgical life of the parishes of Jennings County. In order to ensure the safety of the faithful the following protocols will be utilized.
Fr. Byrd
The appearance of the Coronavirus throughout the United States necessitates a response in regard to the Liturgical life of the parishes of Jennings County. In order to ensure the safety of the faithful the following protocols will be utilized.
- Sunday Masses will continue to be celebrated according to the regular schedule. However, in response to the serious health crisis caused by the coronavirus, Archbishop Charles C. Thompson hereby dispenses Catholics in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass beginning immediately and continuing until further notice.
- Members of the faithful who are elderly, particularly those with underlying health conditions, and those with a comprised immune system or who are ill are especially encouraged to take advantage of this dispensation.
- Holy Water fonts at the doors of the Churches will be emptied. There will be Holy Water available for you to take home.
- The sign of peace will continue to be suspended.
- Holy Communion will continue to be distributed under the species of the consecrated host only. Christ is fully, wholly, and permanently present under both consecrated species. Those with a gluten intolerance are reminded that we offer a low gluten host.
- At this time the Adoration Chapel will remain open. Our Faith tells us to respond to everything with prayer (and even fasting). I encourage you to stay close to the Lord in prayer during this trying time. Know of my prayers for you, and please in your charity, pray for me.
Fr. Byrd